| 1. | Postgraduate teacher education program 学士后教育学分班 |
| 2. | A curriculum reform for efl student teachers in china : the quot; 3dr quot; teacher education program 英语师范生教师教育课程的专业化目标 |
| 3. | However , few studies were found about the impact of teacher education programs related to second / foreign language teachers " implicit knowledge and reflection 然而,从教师隐性知识与反思的角度去研究外语教师培训效果的研究却寥寥无几。 |
| 4. | Findings of this research and the questionnaire developed in this research provide a start point for further investigations , especially within the chinese context . finally , teacher education program plays an important role to build and to restructure teachers " teaching beliefs 研究还发现,教师反思智力和教师效能感对子教师信念改变具有重要作用,由这两个变量建立的回归方程可解释教师信念总方差的65 % 。 |
| 5. | Based on the recruit standard of teacher education program and university evaluation in china , this article argues that the quality of newly recruited students in teacher education program is not as high as students in other programs , which will affect the quality of teacher education 摘要文章从分析当前我国师范生招生的录取分数线,院校的评价及录取标准入手,认为当前我国师范专业的招生质量不高,影响到教师教育的质量。 |
| 6. | Ltta runs comprehensive teacher education programs which give teachers a range of arts based tools that substantially broaden their teaching strategies and offer them access to a set of innovative lesson plans for challenging subjects such as maths , science and language Ltta对教师队伍培训的内容涉及面极广,使教师们获取一系列以艺术为基础的手段和工具,以大幅地拓宽其教学战略,并提供他们一组创新的面向科学数学和语文等较复杂的传统科目的讲课方案。 |
| 7. | The article puts forward four key elements to improve recruited students in teacher education program : first , to improve the social - economic status of teachers ; second , to rebuild free education system and educational service system for students in teacher education program ; third , to build more rigorous recruit standards and procedures for students in teacher education program 文章提出,提高教师社会经济地位;重建师范生的免费制度和教育服务制度如采取与教育服务挂钩的费用支付制度;建立师范生的招生标准,严格招生程序是提高师范专业招生质量的关键性因素。 |